Books for Windows Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) C++ Programming
With your solid knowledge of Object Oriented Programming in C++, you are ready to tackle true pay dirt: programming with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) C++ programming. After all, when was the last time you saw a commercial program that ran in the old DOS-like window? Modern programs all run as a Windows application, either using the basic C framework of Windows or the vastly superior MFC object oriented class encapsulation, the Microsoft Foundation Classes. These books will show you how it is done.
The Windows platform and the MFC can be incredibly daunting to beginners, immensely confusing. Having taught beginners for many years, I have developed a method that works well. By small gradient steps, chapter by chapter, these books will teach you how to write Windows applications. A Windows programmer is a very rare person indeed! Become one; teach yourself MFC programming with these books.
Yes, you can teach yourself to write Windows MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classed) programs using these books! Volume II had to be split into 2 books due to its extensive length.
Check out the free sample data structure classes and sample programs and games from the Games and Windows Programming books.
See for yourself what you can learn to do!
Free Debugging C++ lectures and samples used in the demos.
Windows Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) C++ Programming I
Windows MFC Programming I The first book teaches you the basics of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) C++ programming. Starting from no knowledge of how to program a Windows application, step by step all of the pieces are added, including many types of dialogs, fonts, and color usage. The book ends with a beginning look that the very powerful document-view architecture. Click this link and review the chapter topics, read a chapter, and add this book to your shopping cart today.
Windows Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) C++ Programming II
Windows MFC Programming II This thousand page book (split into two paperbacks) covers very advanced topics of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) C++ programming. It begins by a very detailed coverage of fonts and dialogs. Then in a series of chapters, it greatly expands your knowledge of the document-view architecture. Emphasis is also on many methods of printing, including WYSIWYG. Check out the table of contents to see all of the very advanced topics covered, including multi-threading. Click this link and review the chapter topics, read a sample chapter, and add this book to your shopping cart today.
Completing these books will allow you to write most all kinds of Windows applications! You owe it to yourself to give it a try with these books!
The free Hunter Collection Manager program is an example of Windows MFC programming.