Inexpensive, Exciting, Action-filled Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels
Most of the science fiction and fantasy novels are packed into a complete series.
Artwork by Crooked Willow Studios.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels
The Trident Series Volumes 1-3 Three action-packed fantasy novels are in this series! Jon Brown, a music student, inherits a leather bound book of paintings. He discovers that the book is a magical book of portals – a gateway to other worlds. After visiting these worlds, he quickly becomes involved in a dual mystery involving the development of his own mental powers and a major war. Jon is aided by two new friends: Mandy Blackthorn, a beautiful ranger of the forests, and Alison d’Ambrose, a powerful magic user. To save their own lives from demons, they must unravel the mystery of the war; they must find out who is behind it and why. But their troubles have just begun. Ultimately, they must face both the Arch-devil Dispater and the Goddess of War, Morrigan – an explosive combination with their souls at stake. Celtic and Finnish mythology provides the back ground for the novel which is both a mystery and a love story.
Lindsey Barron Series of 8 Novels This series contains eight separate fantasy novels. A hundred years ago, wizards and witches finally came out, openly working their spells, accepted by those who have no such skills. Around the country, magic schools were established, where the students go to learn both their traditional subjects and also magic. When they graduate, they have a high school diploma as well as mastery of much magic. Set in our future, now twelve years old, Lindsey discovers that she has been given a full scholarship to Bradbury’s School of Magic, somewhere near Telluride, Colorado. Her father, though she did not know it, was a famous wizard, primarily responsible for capturing the incredibly evil wizard known as Dominus Malefic, some fifteen years ago. Now Dominus has escaped and the action begins!
The Adventures of Elizabeth Stanton, Being at Large, Volumes 1-13
This series of books contains thirteen separate science fiction novels. Follow the adventures of an immortal spirit as she grows up in the world called Tarra. A group of druwids look after the well-being of the people who live in the Greenway, a land of rolling hills and forests. Organized into Circles of Seven, these people have a profound love of Nature. Follow how the six year old Bethany grows up and becomes the leader of her Circle. The first novel follows her exploits until her body is killed, while she trying to reason with an insane king. Now once more free of a body, she is given a new task by the founder of the druwid movement, to find out all she can about the Great Messiah who has recently been born and reputedly is to save his people in Juda Arad from the Centurons. In the second novel in the Elizabeth Stanton series, she befriends the young Great Messiah, Jes. From childhood these two are inseparable and eventually marry. Jes has the goal to bring spiritual freedom to his people. Follow the exciting action as he attempts to bring such to his people in Juda Arad, a land that has been under the domination of the Centurions for a great many years. However, a new threat comes from the northern steppes, the Galt cavalrymen invade the countries of Tarra, wiping out the Centurion control over most all areas. Over a period of several years, these barbarian horsemen systematically loot all countries as they head for the greatest prize of all, Megalos itself. With the apparent death and resurrection of the Great Messiah, the ten disciples split into several groups and found the religion of Jehosanity, each with their own twists on the original preaching of Jes.
Planet of the Orange-red Sun, Volumes 1-15 This series of fifteen science fiction novels deals with the entire galaxy, but begins in a remote portion of it. Located on the outer rim of the galaxy, Terra or Ashford-5 is a world without many heavy metals, but it has an abundance of psi-crystals, which the Imperium uses for the fuel in all of its vast fleet of space ships. They land and setup a fuel mining colony, ignoring the local inhabitants. However, one of these aliens from Rigel-3 has other plans for the native humans, mind altering experiments. These go astray and lead to a devastating explosion of their fuel refinery, releasing a massive cloud of psi-dust over Terra. The dust alters some of the humans, giving them powerful psionic abilities. Follow centuries of evolution of society, the telepaths, and the aliens, as they grow and evolve.
Zoran Chronicles, Volumes 1-2 This series contains two separate fantasy novels. Someone is out to assassinate young eighteen year old Zoran. After the third attempt, he flees his father’s Castle Dorumova. Hiding his surname, Zoran becomes an apprentice to the Archmage Oldrich. His father, Baron Kazimir, is the evil Baron, a despot intent on conquering all of the planet called Adapazan. On another planet where dragons make their home, starvation has become a serious problem, due to over population. Thus, dragons are seeking a new home, a new planet where there is an abundance of food. Do dragons and humans mix? Follow the exploits and adventures of Zoran and the dragons. In the second novel in the Zoran series. twenty peaceful years have passed for Zoran and his friends. However, other barons have brought many other colors of dragons to their worlds. Some of these hate humans. Worse, enemy barons began making deals with their dragons to steal and raid many of the worlds.
Without Warning A “Wonderland” fantasy novel adventure. Zed encounters a desperate young woman, whose mother has vanished. Miranda seeks his aid in finding and rescuing her, but from what or where? During home renovations, her mother discovered a strange, magical portal and vanished through it into a strange wonderland world. Zed and Miranda follow after her, hoping to find out what happened to her mother and bring her back to their Peoria home. In the process, their very reality is challenged. Upon arrival in this strange world, they meet first a talking turtle, squirrel, and rabbit who are having a tea party. From here, it only gets stranger and stranger.
The Return of the Wizards A fantasy novel, in the land of Isel, at one time, there were great wizards capable of tremendous cause and effects. Now, there are none. The great wizards, the Mizzinti, have disappeared in the abyss of time. What remains in the land of Isel are isolated civilizations of men, dwarves, and elves. The threat of doom has come upon them all. Under the control of an evil wizard, goblins and wild men have begun to pillage, plunder, conquer, and enslave the people of the land.
The Reclaimation Series The Reclamation Series examines our future world, beginning in the year 2270. Via many medical advances of the past century, world health care has taken an enormous step forward, thanks to the psychs with their fancy implant machines, the drug manufacturers, and the corporation executives, who now control the world. The psych drug Pytalon coupled with their PDH (pain, drug, hypnotism) implant technology has turned civilization around—no more wars, no more criminality, and jobs for everyone! Utopia. The Total Care program provides jobs, homes, food, and clothing for everyone, using the motto “From the Cradle to the Grave”—except…