Free Downloads – Sample Code, Programs, and Games from the Books and Debugging Videos
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Each of these contains a zip file with the indicated contents. While they are copyrighted by Vic Broquard, you have the author’s permission to use them in your work, but he would like an acknowledgement in such.
All of these samples are fully discussed with all coding in the indicated book(s), which are very inexpensive, easy to read, and easy for you to teach yourself how to write such programs.
Data Structures
The data structures samples include classes for a growable Array, Double Linked List, Queue, Stack, and a Binary Tree, plus functions to create all folders in a path that don’t yet exist and to remove all empty folders beneath a given folder, both of which are excellent examples of recursive functions. These classes are presented in several books, primarily in Beginning Data Structures in C++ and Advanced Data Structures in C++.
This games set comes from the Programming Non-graphical Games in C++ book. These include the complete code for a dice class, a card class with sample game, the adventure game, and the ladder arcade game. Included are the production libraries for helper classes as described in detail in the book. The games are in C++ projects so you can build them and experiment with them. These samples illustrate some of the complete game engines that you can learn to write yourself. If you just want to see what the games look like, download the Production Versions of the games, just below, which also contain two additional games not included in this Games zip set.
Production Versions of the Games
The Production Games set contains just the production programs for the Ladder Arcade game, the Adventure game, the WWII game, the Character Stats Generation sample (dice), and a child’s word guessing game. Note, these samples do not contain any programming code, just the production version of the game as presented in the Programming Non-graphical Games in C++ book. Play these and see just what type of gaming engines you can learn to writer. All that is missing is the fancy graphical interface which you could add once you’ve learned Windows MFC Programming.
Game Theory Samples
The Game Theory set includes samples from the Games Theory Programming in C++ book. Included in this zip are sample programs that illustrate basic path finding (how to determine the path to follow to achieve some condition), intelligent path finding, chasing and evading (how to follow another versus how to evade something following you), flocking (the ability for a group of objects to remain cohesive as in a flock of birds heading south following a leader), collisions (the bouncing balls) (how to detect when two objects meet and how to handle that interaction), and the Car Race (a car racing game illustrating dividing the world universe into sectors and handling movement between the sectors). Each of these illustrates key principles which add realism to games. See for yourself a few of the very interesting and realistic effects that you can learn to implement in your own games. Some of these samples use very elementary Windows MFC coding, because the feature being illustrated is best done in a continuous environment.
Samples from Windows MFC I
The samples from the Windows MFC Programming I book include complete coding for programs that illustrate some of the many forms that dialogs can take, the fancy document-view architecture, image processing with many clever ways to display an image onscreen, and the flying saucer example which illustrates off-screen buffers for smooth action on the screen which is a must for game programming.
Samples from Windows MFC II
The samples from the Windows MFC Programming II book include an even fancier version of the dialog from the first book, an example of fancy spin and slider controls, a very complex and multi-document-multi-view situation, owner drawn controls in this case a stop light control, a view with many different kinds of tool bars and control bars, a graphing program that can show 4 different types of graphs in several resolutions and saving and loading from enhanced meta files, a multi-threading shopping store simulation, and three fonts programs. One ShowsAllFonts on your system; one shows Font Matching in operation, and one implements fonts in a text editor allowing you to pick a font via drop down list control or from the common choose font dialog similar to common word processing programs.